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Hiring an In-Person Interpreter vs a Remote Interpreter

Hiring an interpreter can be an important decision for businesses, healthcare professionals, and individuals who need to communicate with people who speak different languages. When it comes to hiring an interpreter, the two main options are hiring an in-person interpreter or a remote interpreter.

In-Person Interpreter

An in-person interpreter is physically present with the people who need to communicate. This type of interpreter can be useful in situations where visual cues or body language are important to the conversation, such as legal or medical appointments. In-person interpreters can also help build trust between parties through face-to-face communication.

However, hiring an in-person interpreter can be expensive, especially if travel expenses are involved. In addition, scheduling can be difficult if an interpreter is not available in the same location as the event or appointment.

Remote Interpreter

A remote interpreter, also known as a virtual interpreter, communicates with clients over video or phone conferencing. This type of interpreter is convenient and cost-effective, as there are no travel expenses involved. Remote interpreters can also be available at any time and from any location, making scheduling much easier.

However, remote interpreters cannot always convey nonverbal cues as effectively as in-person interpreters can. Technical difficulties with audio or video quality can also cause communication breakdowns. In addition, building trust with a remote interpreter can be more difficult than with an in-person interpreter, as visual contact is limited.


The decision to hire an in-person or remote interpreter depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the communication situation. A combination of both options may be the most effective for certain situations, such as events or appointments that require interpretation in multiple languages. Ultimately, businesses, healthcare professionals, and individuals should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option before making a hiring decision.

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